Adding Gradle Wrapper to an Existing Project

Another little one today, I specifically tried to build the vlc-android app myself to fix a song title issue I have. However, it wasn’t building with the error

Gradle sync failed: Minimum supported Gradle version is 7.0.2. Current version is 6.8. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in /home/ariedov/Projects/vlc-android/gradle/wrapper/ to (5 s 953 ms)

but there is no gradle/* or gradlew included in the repository. That’s not how I usually have my repositories, so I did not have an immediate solution to that problem.

A quick google search had the answer. I had to install gradle generally to my system first. I have a PopOS installation at the time, so a simple sudo snap install gradle --classic helped.

Next, while in the repo directory, I had to add the gradle wrapper for the project by executing:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 7.0.2

Voila, project is building without issues, all ready to go.