One Day Software Build

There is a website I made for some friends - which lives on a digitalocean droplet. The droplet had multiple uses for me in the past, but lately this website was the only thing living there, and I did not really want to pay the $6/mo for it, so the logical thing for me to do was to move the website.

It was also quite old, so a little remake wouldn’t hurt. Of course, being a constant learner I wanted to use something new and shiny to make that happen. Just recently I heard about two new technologies - nextjs for making websites, and tailwindcss for making pretty websites.

It literally took me a weekend to make the upgrade (if we don’t count the problems deploying the actual thing). It would took even less, but I managed to sneak some quality family time into that.

The actual website

Now looking for some new ideas for future one-day software builds!